
東京都港区高輪1丁目3-1 プレミストタワー白金高輪 1F
LINE予約 人のアイコンスタッフ募集 WEB問診 instagtamのアイコン




現在、一部の医療機関で 麻しん・風しん混合(MR)ワクチン の供給が不足し、接種予約の制限や中止が発生しているとの報道があります。(NHKニュース 2025年2月10日





MRワクチンは 麻しん(はしか)  風しん の感染を予防するためのワクチンです。

  • 麻しん(はしか) は非常に感染力が強く、高熱や発疹、肺炎、脳炎などの合併症を引き起こす可能性があります。国内外で流行のリスクがあり、適切な予防接種が重要です。
  • 風しん は発熱や発疹を伴う感染症ですが、特に 妊娠初期の女性が感染すると胎児に影響を与える可能性があり(先天性風しん症候群)、妊娠を希望される方は事前に抗体検査を行い、必要に応じて接種を受けることが推奨されています。


📞 お問い合わせ・ご予約:03-6432-5353

【Notice on MR Vaccine Availability】

According to a report from NHK News (February 10, 2025), some medical institutions are experiencing shortages of the Measles and Rubella (MR) vaccine, leading to restrictions or cancellations of vaccination appointments.

However, our clinic has secured an adequate supply of MR vaccines.

We will prioritize vaccination for the following individuals:

Children eligible for routine vaccination (1-year-olds and children in the year before elementary school enrollment)
Women planning to become pregnant (as the vaccine cannot be administered during pregnancy, it is recommended to receive it beforehand)

What is the MR Vaccine?

The MR vaccine helps prevent measles and rubella infections.

  • Measles is highly contagious and can lead to complications such as high fever, rash, pneumonia, and encephalitis. Given the potential for outbreaks both domestically and internationally, timely vaccination is crucial.

  • Rubella causes fever and rash, but it is particularly concerning for pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy, as infection can affect fetal development (Congenital Rubella Syndrome). Women planning to conceive should consider an antibody test and vaccination if necessary.

For Those Wishing to Get Vaccinated

If you wish to receive the MR vaccine, please contact our clinic in advance for consultation and appointment scheduling.

【Goryokai Clinic Shirokanetakanawa】

📞 Contact & Reservations: 03-6432-5353