2025年 スギ・ヒノキ花粉飛散予測【直前版】
- 花粉飛散量は例年(2015~2024年)より増加する地域が多い。
- 特に関東地方や東海地方では飛散量が例年の2倍以上になる可能性があります。
- 地域ごとの飛散開始時期:
- 九州地方:2月上旬
- 中国・四国地方:2月中旬
- 関東・甲信越地方:2月下旬~3月上旬
- 北海道:3月下旬
- 早期治療開始: 症状が出る前に医師に相談し、適切な治療薬や注射を準備しましょう。 当院では抗ヒスタミン薬、点鼻薬、舌下免疫療法など患者様に合わせた治療を提供しています。 詳しくは【こちらの記事】をご覧ください。
- 生活環境を整える:
- 花粉が多い日は外出を控える。
- 帰宅後は衣服についた花粉をよく払い、洗顔やうがいを行う。
- 空気清浄機を使用して室内の空気を清潔に保つ。
- 定期的な診察: 症状の悪化を防ぐために、症状に応じた治療を行いましょう。当院では患者様一人ひとりに合わせた治療計画を立てています。
2025 Japanese Cedar and Cypress Pollen Forecast and Precautions
The latest forecast for Japanese cedar and cypress pollen dispersion in 2025 has been released. This year, the pollen dispersion is expected to be higher than usual in many regions, which means those suffering from hay fever should be extra cautious.
Trends in the 2025 Pollen Forecast
According to the forecast, the following trends are noteworthy:
- Pollen dispersion levels are predicted to exceed the average levels of 2015–2024 in many areas.
- The Kanto region and Tokai region, in particular, may experience more than double the usual pollen levels.
- Key regions and their expected pollen dispersion start times:
- Kyushu: Early February
- Chugoku and Shikoku: Mid-February
- Kanto and Koshinetsu: Late February to early March
- Hokkaido: Late March
Tips for Managing Hay Fever
To minimize symptoms of hay fever, we recommend the following steps:
- Start Treatment Early: Consult your doctor before symptoms appear to prepare appropriate medications or injections.
Our clinic offers treatments tailored to individual needs, including antihistamines, nasal sprays, and sublingual immunotherapy.
For more details, visit 【this article】. - Create a Healthy Living Environment:
- Avoid going out on days with high pollen counts.
- Shake off pollen from clothing and wash your face and hands after coming home.
- Use an air purifier to keep indoor air clean.
- Schedule Regular Checkups:
Regular visits to your doctor can help prevent worsening symptoms. At our clinic, we provide customized treatment plans to suit each patient’s condition.
Final Thoughts
The 2025 pollen season is expected to be challenging in many regions, but proper prevention and treatment can help alleviate symptoms. If you’re struggling with hay fever, we encourage you to consult us early. Our clinic is here to support your comfortable and healthy lifestyle with professional care.